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Back Pain Treatments

Affecting four out of five people at some time in their lives, backache (often referred to as Lumbago) is the most common complaint treated by osteopaths. In most cases, backache is caused by over-straining the structural components in the back. Most cases, whilst painful, are not serious if seen to promptly and usually respond very well to osteopathic treatment. The osteopath will always complete a case history (questionnaire) about your condition, examine your spine, including some more medical tests as necessary to ensure that osteopathy is the correct and appropriate treatment for you. Before applying the gentle osteopathic techniques your osteopath will discuss your condition, explain the problem including the treatment and plan to help improve and resolve it. Exercises and advice on diet, life style changes and posture will be given where needed and when requested.

What else can Osteopathy treat beyond low back pain?

Osteopathy can treat a wide range of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal (MSK) problems, from low back pain, neck pain and other spine pain. Also extremity joint issues of all the joints from the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles and feet.

Osteopathy can treat a wide range of other conditions of the body by helping to encourage good blood flow, drainage of areas, and optimum function of the nerves and vessels.

Osteopathy can help with some types of abdominal, respiratory, pelvis and head pain conditions, including head and neck tension, some pelvic conditions, pregnancy back pain, postural and ergonomic issues, sports injuries & more.

Ask your osteopath for more information, especially if you have specific problems yourself. Your osteopath will always tell you what they cannot treat or help with and discuss with you how they can help.

Can Osteopathy diagnose a spinal disc problem?

Firstly, diagnosis of a disc problem is not always straightforward. There can be a range of different disc issues from an internal injury, a tear in the outer part, to a bulge, to a much larger bulge and pieces separating away.

Often disc problems will be present with different symptoms, mobility changes, acute and more chronic problems. Any disc problem can heal and settle unfortunately in all of us the blood supply to the disc is poor so healing is slow. We are often impatient and so we return to activity too soon and do too much and this leaves us with a possible recurrent issue.

Disc issues can be observed with the latest imaging scans, but it is still very difficult knowing if the disc is the definitive cause of the patient's symptoms.

If I have a disc problem, can it be cured?

Once you have had a disc problem it does not mean you will always have one. Your osteopath will take time to listen to your story, your medical history and use simple examination techniques (orthopaedic, neurological, mechanical and osteopathic) to assess your spine's ability to move correctly or not. Then, together with you, will explain the issues and the best appropriate manual treatment and exercises including what not to do and what to do to help resolve the specific problem.


Most Private Health Insurance (PHI) companies now will cover Osteopathic Treatment......

Buy Instructional Videos

Daryl Herbert's instructional videos provide a visual and audible description of Osteopathic Minimal (short) Lever Mid Range Manipulation Techniques, for osteopaths, physiotherapists, manual therapists, mid to senior level students, graduates and post graduates. Techniques demonstrated look at the basic spinal regions, the spinal junctions, the sacro-iliac joints, ribs and the lower and upper extremity joints.

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