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Arthritis Treatments

Normal wear and tear of the joint surface can result in arthritis or osteoarthritis and produce arthritic pain. This kind of damage is not to be confused with some cases of arthritis that are caused by a disease affecting the joint surface.

Osteoarthritis is a normal process associated with ageing. Usually the symptoms do not start until much later in life, if at all, and normally lead to some restriction in movement of the joints, plus some muscular aches and pains often referred to as rheumatism.

Osteopathic treatment cannot reverse the wear and tear of the joint surface, but in most cases, osteopaths can offer treatment to improve function of other areas and structures, give advice on other factors, such as diet, exercises and lifestyle, which may help with long term relief from the symptoms associated with arthritis and arthritic pain.

The osteopath will use a combination of soft tissue massage and gentle rhythmic mobilising techniques to loosen the joints and relax the muscles. Simple & easy exercises may also be recommended as healthy muscles help to stabilise these types of joint problems.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a progressive degenerative condition, sometimes more appropriately called ‘age related changes’. Most people will get arthritis but not all get symptoms. It is usually seen more and symptoms are greater in older age but it can start as early as the third decade.

Joints basically show good usage and it is seen by some as a wearing down of joint surfaces. Symptoms of arthritis (age related changes) can be frequent, cause severe pain and reduced mobility but not all patients have symptoms.

Can osteopathy fix my arthritis?

Osteopathy cannot improve arthritis but can help to maintain and in some ways improve the joint function, movement and reduce symptoms (pain).

Osteopathy can help patients by improving and strengthening muscles and focussing on better muscle tension and mobilising to ease joint movement. Many arthritic joints, when severely affected, can be replaced - usually with very good results.

You may also be offered exercises to maintain good muscle support, with some dietary changes, nutritional and vitamin advice to help encourage a more wide ranging approach to patient care.


Most Private Health Insurance (PHI) companies now will cover Osteopathic Treatment......

Buy Instructional Videos

Daryl Herbert's instructional videos provide a visual and audible description of Osteopathic Minimal (short) Lever Mid Range Manipulation Techniques, for osteopaths, physiotherapists, manual therapists, mid to senior level students, graduates and post graduates. Techniques demonstrated look at the basic spinal regions, the spinal junctions, the sacro-iliac joints, ribs and the lower and upper extremity joints.

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